Sports Medicine

South Keys provides a personalized, comprehensive approach to physical and sports medicine and rehabilitation. Through the practice of Physiatry, a medical specialty that focuses on physical medicine & rehabilitation (also known as PM&R), we restore function, promote healing, and alleviate pain in patients with a wide variety of acute injuries and chronic conditions. Whether you have a relatively minor injury, or you live with continuous pain or reduced musculoskeletal function, we can customize a treatment program that is tailored specifically to your individual condition, needs, and desired outcome.

Our treatment begins with an evaluation and diagnosis by one of our PM&R specialists. We use the most technologically advanced methods to diagnose the conditions being treated. In addition to recommending a variety of laboratory tests and imaging studies (X-ray, CT, or MRI scans), physiatrists often recommend electrodiagnostic tests to assess nervous system functions or ultrasonic imaging to diagnose musculoskeletal disorders.

Our expertise is getting to the root of an injury and developing a customized non-surgical treatment and rehabilitation program that specifically addresses each patient’s needs. Our physicians can design a treatment plan that can be carried out by the patients themselves or with the help of the rehabilitation physician’s medical team. Should rehabilitation be recommended, our experienced team of therapists work comprehensively with your physician to evaluate factors such as a patient’s lifestyle and environment, as well as their values and desired outcome. We then prescribe a treatment program based on the most current and advanced therapies and technologies. South Keys’ comprehensive approach allows real-time communication and integrative treatment between our medical staff and physical therapists.

Our approach to sports medicine is to provide a comprehensive set of options to heal your body from injury and keep it moving in a natural and holistic way. We do this through a combination of traditional medicine, advanced technologies and therapies, and a customized approach to treating each patient as an individual with unique needs and goals. By providing an appropriate treatment plan, PM&R help patients stay as active as possible at any age.